Javascript Editor Software

Online JavaScript Editor - write and run your javascript code inside this page. Login or register (free!) Online JavaScript Editor 'Edit your code online. RJ TextEd is a full featured text and source editor with Unicode support. It is also a very powerful web (PHP, ASP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS) development editor. The functionality extends beyond text files and includes support for CSS/HTML editing with integrated CSS/HTML preview, spell checking, auto completion, HTML validation, templates. The Free JavaScript Editor can be navigated with ease. The clean app is free from any viruses and users can be sure of the security of their device. It requires moderate system resources for any. JavaScript programmers have many good tools to choose from—almost too many to keep track of. In this article, I discuss 10 text editors with good support for developing with JavaScript, HTML5.

  1. Javascript Editor software, free download
  2. Javascript Editor Software Download
  3. Download Javascript Editor
Javascript Editor Software has chosen not to provide a direct-download link for this product and offers this page for informational purposes only.
From Media Freeware:
Java is the key for adding animations and special effects to websites. In order to validate and make the language secure and error free, the Free JavaScript Editor is the right choice. It consists of a preset list of functions and tools which can be input on any websites so as to make them more attractive. The tool is free of cost and can be used by anyone without paying a penny. Be it professional web developers or novices, working with this app is cake walk. There are no complex settings and the simple user interface makes it even better. With just a few clicks, some of the best effects can be included in a webpage. It supports all those sites that are created by using HTML or CSS and hence, can be termed as a comprehensive tool. Another function of the Free JavaScript Editor is that it allows users to create and edit codes. Since using a standard code without any errors is quite important for the success of any website, it becomes very important to compile the language once it is written. Be it writing the codes from scratch or editing existing templates, users can use both the options without any glitches. They can even add bookmarks in order to manage the documents in a simple manner. The Ajax developers will find a dedicated Ajax Editor program for their convenience. The library contains a few hundred scripts, templates, etc, to choose from. The Free JavaScript Editor can be navigated with ease. The clean app is free from any viruses and users can be sure of the security of their device. It requires moderate system resources for any of the functions. Equipped with a search and replace function, it is indeed a very functional tool.

What do you need to know about free software?

From Media Freeware:
Java is the key for adding animations and special effects to websites. In order to validate and make the language secure and error free, the Free JavaScript Editor is the right choice. It consists of a preset list of functions and tools which can be input on any websites so as to make them more attractive. The tool is free of cost and can be used by anyone without paying a penny. Be it professional web developers or novices, working with this app is cake walk. There are no complex settings and the simple user interface makes it even better. With just a few clicks, some of the best effects can be included in a webpage. It supports all those sites that are created by using HTML or CSS and hence, can be termed as a comprehensive tool. Another function of the Free JavaScript Editor is that it allows users to create and edit codes. Since using a standard code without any errors is quite important for the success of any website, it becomes very important to compile the language once it is written. Be it writing the codes from scratch or editing existing templates, users can use both the options without any glitches. They can even add bookmarks in order to manage the documents in a simple manner. The Ajax developers will find a dedicated Ajax Editor program for their convenience. The library contains a few hundred scripts, templates, etc, to choose from. The Free JavaScript Editor can be navigated with ease. The clean app is free from any viruses and users can be sure of the security of their device. It requires moderate system resources for any of the functions. Equipped with a search and replace function, it is indeed a very functional tool.

This article provides basic feature comparison between some of the JavaScript-based source code editors available today.


Javascript Editor software, free download

List of source code editors
EditorSiteLatest versionStyle, clone ofCost (US$)Software licenseOpen sourceBrowser supportActivity
AceHome, demo1.4.2, 2018-11-21Sublime Text / Microsoft Visual StudioFreeNew BSD LicenseYesFirefox 3.5+, Safari 4+, Chrome, IE 8+, Opera 11.5+Yes
AtomHome1.7.3, 2016-04-28Emacs, Vim and othersFreeDualYesChromeYes
CodeMirrorHome, demo5.39.0, 2018-06-20plain textareaFreeMIT-likeYesFirefox 3+, Chrome, Safari 3+, Internet Explorer 8+, Opera 9+[1]Yes
CodeanywhereHome6.0SublimeText-Public CloudNoFirefox 3+, Chrome, Safari 3+, Internet Explorer 8+, Opera 9+Yes
Codenvy EditorHome2.10.17, 2014-01-17Eclipse-Public CloudYesFirefox 3+, Chrome, Safari 3+, Internet Explorer 8+, Opera 9+Yes
OrionHome8.0, 2015-03-04Eclipse SWT StyledText, regular textareaFreedual-licensed: BSD 3-clause and EPLYesFirefox 37+, Chrome 40+, Safari7+, Internet Explorer 11+[2]Yes
Monaco EditorHome, demo0.17.1, 2019-06-25Visual Studio CodeFreeMITYesIE8+, Firefox 4+, ChromeYes
MarkitupHome, demo1.1.14, 2013-02-04Markup editor, no syntax highlightFreeMIT, GPLYesIE 6 & 7, Firefox 2 & 3, Safari 3.1, Opera 9+[3]Some
LDTHome2012-02-19regular textareaFreeMIT, GPLYesFirefox 3.6+, IE8, Chromium 16, Midori 4.1, Opera 11, EpiphanySome
YmacsHome, demo0.5, 2012-03-28EmacsFreeBSDYesFirefox, Chrome, SafariSome
CodePressHome0.9.6, 2007-09-26Microsoft Visual StudioFreeLGPLYes?No
CodeTextAreaHome, demo2009-06Microsoft Visual StudioFreeBSDYesDojo widgetNo
EditAreaHome, demo0.8.2, 2010-01-14Microsoft Visual StudioFreeLGPLYesIE 6+, Firefox 1.5+, Safari 3+, Opera 9+, Chrome[4]No
HeleneHome, demo0.9, unknown release dateMicrosoft Visual StudioFreeGPLYesNo
MDK-EditorHome2.10, 2008Microsoft Visual StudioDepends on useDualCode is readabletested to work on: IE 6, 7 - Firefox 2, 3 - ChromeYes

Javascript Editor Software Download

Javascript Editor Software

Download Javascript Editor

List of features[edit]

Feature testing was performed with Firefox 3.0.6 against the current demo version, and results may not match those in other browsers or downloadable versions.

List of source code editor features
Implementationnestable full parserspattern-based parserpattern-based parserparsers
Syntax highlightOver 110 languagesOver 130 languagesmixed mode: HTML + JavaScript and CSS, PHP, EJS; single mode: JavaScript, Java, JSON, CSS, Python, Ruby, XML, YAML (pluggable)limited mixed mode: HTML + JavaScript (no CSS), PHP + HTML (no JavaScript or CSS), Java, Perl, SQLonly keywordsonly one language at a time: Perl, PHP, CSS, Javascript, Python, HTML, XML, VB, C, CPP, SQL, Pascal, Basic, Brainf*ckPHPNomixed mode: PHP + HTML + JavaScript + CSS, single-mode: PHP, Javascript, CSS, XML; extensible
Syntax checkingHTML, CSS, JavaScript (using JSHint)SomeJavaScript (using JSLint)NoNoHTML, JavaScript (using JSLint)
Tab supportYesYesYesSomeYesYes
Indent, new line keeps leveloptional setting that is on by defaultYesYesvery limitedNoYesN/A (can't press Enter)NoYes
Indent, syntaxYesYesYesNoNo
Indent, selected blockyes, including Shift+Tabeither automatically, or block-level indent/unindentyes, including Shift+TabNoyes, including Shift+Tabyes, including Shift+Tab and using context menu
Bracket matchingYesYesYesan implementation exists with mouse-hover bracket matching[citation needed]Ctrl+B; no angle bracket matchingNomatching bracket ([{<>}]) always highlighted
XML matching tag highlightYesYesNoNoYes
Code foldingYesYes[5]Some[6]NoNoNoNoNoNo
Code snippetsYesthrough API/add-onSometype 'for' or 'if' then TabNoYesNoYesJavaScript
Code suggestionYesexampleYes through esprima content assist pluginNoyes[citation needed]NoCSS, HTML, JavaScript)
Toggle syntax highlight on/offYesYesNolast example in demoN/Atextmode
Keyboard shortcutsAll Common Shortcuts & Custom Keybindingsfully configurableYessome common used: Ctrl+f, Ctrl+g,Ctrl+z,Ctrl+yYesAll key combos (except F1 in IE7) can be bound to shortcuts
Line numbersYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNosupports mouse selection
Search & replaceregex supportedvia APIYesNotoolbar buttonhas API for the studio
Spell checkingaddon for context menuNoNobrowser-basednonebrowser-basednonebrowser-basedNo
ToolbarBut command line consoleNoNoNoYesNoYesNo
Visual stylingFully theme-ableCSS-based themesYesfont-type and font-size5 styles to choose from, having 2 font-sizes
Undo/RedoYesYesYesYesYesDifferential Undo
Multiple cursors / Block selectionMultiple cursorsYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Inline widgetsYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Non US charset supportYesYesYesNo

See also[edit]


  1. ^CodeMirror supported browsers
  2. ^Orion supported browsers
  3. ^'markItUp! Universal Markup jQuery Editor'. Retrieved 2013-06-14.
  4. ^EditArea compatibility chart
  5. ^'Code Folding Demo'. CodeMirror. Retrieved 2013-06-14.
  6. ^'Orion 0.3 M2 – New and Noteworthy | Orion News'. 2011-09-26. Retrieved 2013-06-14.
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